Luiz Rodrigues, Fazenda California, Brazil
Fazenda California is located in the Brazilian subtropical region of the so-called Norte Pioneiro do Parana. This region is characterized by being the area adjacent to southern Brazil able to develop coffee plantation without the low temperatures of the winter period, hindering the activity. The coexistence of volcanic soils of high fertility, good distribution of rainfall throughout the year and the binomial established between its average elevation of 600 meters and latitude 23ºS that result in a micro climate with average annual temperature of 20ºC, with four well defined seasons and a wide temperature range, turns this portion of blessed land into an extraordinary environment for the development of the highest quality Arabica coffee lots.
The implementation of a quality management system grounded in knowledge, technology and the adoption of rigid standards of good harvest and post-harvest come over the last years producing coffee lots that coffee hunters experts have called the true hidden treasures. Integrating the Project Specialty Coffees of the “Norte Pioneiro do Parana, Fazenda California enters to the select group of exotic coffees suppliers, with peculiar characteristics and some yet to be discovered.
In mid-1920, an American company called Leon & Israel acquired the land known nowadays as Fazenda California. Professional management adopted by U.S. administration in Brazil created a worldwide reputation among the coffee buyers between the 40s to the 80s. A film called "Sugar Loaf" was shot on the Farm during that period, attended by cast and North American directors, so huge the importance of such property. From the old times, accounting and labor records are still kept, the farm original plans of the buildings (all crested from the University of California), maps of coffee fields, soil maps and the ability to use land and other objects that show the boldness and professionalism of U.S. investors. In 2004, the family Saldanha Rodrigues acquired the farm.
Being a visionary, the entrepreneur, Dr. Paulo Cesar Saldanha Rodrigues who always said that "You can always do things better," a new cycle of coffee plantation was then started on the property. A tragic plane crash at the end of 2004, prevented Dr. Paulo to see the accomplishment of his dream. However, the project for production of specialty coffees on the property was led ahead. The farm had 100% of its coffee production area renewed, its structures and production processes, harvesting, wet mil, drying, storage and dry mil were upgraded and a management system of sustainable production was then set, adapting the property to the highest levels of the globalized market demand. Nowadays, with the mission of "Producing high quality food for the consumer, society and the environment, "California joins its past of glory to a future of sustainability.