Hero Caffeine Blend | Zero to Hero

The amount of caffeine in your daily coffee choice varies greatly. The research is not clear, but it is likely that healthy adults can in general consume around 400mg of caffeine a day safely.

This has led the team at Wolff to their latest addiction (addition!) The Caffeine Collection. A collection of blends crafted with care and mindfully curated to consider your daily caffeine intake. The all new Zero to Low to Hero Collection, provides power of choice, to discover your perfect daily caffeine level and find your ideal flow state.

Supercharge your day with that powerful hit - Hero Caffeine Blend.
20% more caffeine than our Haus Blends
PNG Nowek
India Mysore Nuggets Extra Bold
Colombia Bachue
Brazil Guima
India Robusta Kaapi Royale AA
Grind size:

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